How to Avoid Back Pain During Winter

Do the colder months mean more back pain for you? Winter is a beautiful season, but it can also bring some challenges for our backs. As the temperature drops, we often find ourselves dealing with cold, stiff muscles, and an increased risk of back pain. At Riverside Chiropractic, we want to help you stay comfortable and pain-free during these colder months. Here are some simple tips to help you avoid back pain this winter.

1. Keep Warm Cold muscles are more prone to tension and strain, so it’s important to dress in layers to stay warm. A good thermal layer, a cosy jumper, and a supportive jacket can make all the difference. Don’t forget to wrap up with a scarf to keep your neck warm too!

2. Stay Active It’s tempting to stay indoors and be sedentary during winter, but regular movement is crucial for preventing stiffness and pain. Simple indoor exercises, like stretching or yoga, can keep your muscles flexible and strong. Even a short walk around your house or garden can do wonders.

3. Maintain Good Posture We tend to spend more time indoors during winter, making posture more important than ever. Whether you’re working at your desk or relaxing on the couch, maintain good posture. Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and avoid slouching. Use supportive chairs and cushions if needed, particularly behind your low back.

4. Stay Hydrated We often drink less water in winter, but hydration is vital for keeping your muscles and joints healthy. Herbal teas and warm water with lemon are great alternatives if you’re not keen on cold drinks.

5. Use Heat for Relief If you do experience any back pain, use heat. A warm bath, a hot water bottle, or a heat pack can help soothe sore muscles and improve blood flow.

Winter doesn’t have to mean back pain. By staying warm, active, and mindful of your posture, you can enjoy the season comfortably. If you need more personalised advice, feel free to reach out to us. Stay warm and take care!

How to feel confident with your back to lift heavier at the gym

Are you aiming to increase your lifting weights but concerned your back gets a bit cranky when you try to lift heavier weights? Here are a few key steps that can help you lift heavier and not have to think about your back so much.

1. Start with Dynamic Stretching: Before you even think about grabbing those weights, it’s crucial to prepare your body for the stress of lifting. Dynamic stretching involves motion and helps to get your blood flowing, warming up your muscles. This type of stretching not only boosts flexibility but also significantly decreases your risk of injuries. Exercises like leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists are perfect examples.

2. Static Stretching Post-Workout: After your lifting session, shift to static stretching. This means holding your stretches for around 30 seconds. It's an essential step for cooling down and helps your muscles recover and maintain flexibility. Prioritise this practice to aid in muscle recovery and prepare them for your next session.

3. Incorporate Foam Rolling: Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release that helps to alleviate muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation. It also increases your joint range of motion. Make sure to roll out your back before and after workouts to help release tension and improve blood flow, keeping your muscles supple and ready for action.

4. Focus on Your Glutes and Legs: Your lower body is a powerhouse when it comes to lifting. Foam rolling your glutes and legs helps to release tight muscles, reduces soreness, and improves range of motion. This step is crucial for maintaining proper form during your lifts and preventing injuries.

5. Strengthen Key Muscle Groups: Engage in exercises that specifically strengthen your core, back, glutes, and legs. Exercises performed on the floor, such as bridges or planks, can be particularly effective. These movements help ensure that weaker muscles are not overshadowed by stronger ones, which is common in exercises like squats, where your back and hamstrings might compensate for weaker glutes.

6. Don’t Overlook Chiropractic Care: One of the most overlooked aspects of safely increasing your lifting capacity is regular chiropractic care. A chiropractor can ensure that your spine and pelvis are properly aligned. This not only minimises the risk of injuries but also maximises your body’s lifting potential.

Lifting heavier weights doesn't have to be a perilous journey. By incorporating these methods into your routine, you can safely enhance your lifting capacity while protecting your back and keep yourself in the gym.. Remember, consistency is key, and taking the proper precautions will keep you strong and healthy in the long run. If you have any questions about these techniques or want to discuss your specific needs, don't hesitate to reach out.

How to not wreck your back whilst camping

Don't stuff your back whilst camping and miss out on valuable time with your family.

I'll be going over my top 3 tips to look after your back whilst camping:

1. What to take to sleep on for support to keep your spine aligned and pain-free.

2. Master the art of setting up your campsite with back health in mind.

3. The common mistakes people make that can do their back in whilst on an active, camping holiday.

Say goodbye to back pain and hello to memorable family camping trips. Connect with Fiona at Riverside Chiropractic for tailored advice and expert back care. Want to book an appointment? It’s easy to book online using the ‘book now’ button.

Your Guide to Pain-Free Holiday Travel

Bottom Line:

Holiday travel can be brutal on your body. Long hours spent jammed into a small seat on an airplane has the potential to cause a flare up of pain in your low back or neck. Even if you are traveling by car, be careful when lifting suitcases that are stuffed with an entire closet worth of clothes and gifts.  Proper spinal alignment can help your body function at it’s the highest level and keep the holiday back pain at bay!

Why it Matters:

Your spine performs at its best when it has a balance of strength and flexibility. Chiropractic adjustments help your spine move comfortably through its entire range of motion. What’s more, when your spine is in alignment and balanced, your muscles perform better. Lifting too much weight at awkward angles can put a tremendous amount of stress on your spine and cause injuries, and after a few hours of sitting still in a plane or a car, your body isn't prepared to immediately start lifting 50 lb. suitcases. Be prepared and take a few moments during your travel to stretch, move your body, and warm up before doing any heavy lifting.

 - Stop in and get adjusted before you leave on vacation to improve how you feel and function.

- If your flight is more than an hour, be sure to get up and stretch your legs.

- Be cautious and lift with your legs when moving suitcases and gifts.

Next Steps:

A lot of patients have told us that getting that adjustment before leaving for their vacation helped them avoid having a relapse of pain. Give your back a gift and consider coming in to get an adjustment before leaving on your vacation, and from our family to yours, happy holidays!

Science Source:

The effect of spinal manipulative therapy on spinal range of motion: a systematic literature review. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2012