Is your teen cranky cause they have back pain?

Just like back and neck pain can affect your mood, teens get back and neck pain too and this can affect their mood too. I'm sure the parents of teens out there need all the help they can get!

As parents, we often see our teenager's bodies as resilient and capable of handling anything life throws their way. However, even the toughest teens need a little extra care, and chiropractic care is a fantastic way to support their growing bodies

Why Your Teen Needs Chiropractic Care? 

1. Counteract Text Neck
In today’s digital age, it’s no surprise that teens spend a significant amount of time on their phones. This habit, however, can lead to what we call "text neck."

For every inch of forward head posture, the weight of the head on the spine increases by 4.5kgs. Their head when correctly positioned weighs ~4.5kgs, say their head sticks forward an extra inch, that's the equivalent of walking around carrying 2 heads on their shoulders!!

Over time, this can cause serious strain and discomfort. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help mitigate these effects, ensuring that your teen maintains a healthy posture and avoids long-term damage.

2. Manage Pain from Injuries
Active teens are often involved in sports and other physical activities, making them more susceptible to injuries. Whether it’s a sprained ankle from soccer or a sore back from carrying a heavy school bag, chiropractic care can play a crucial role in pain management and recovery. Regular adjustments help keep their bodies in alignment, reducing the risk of injury and promoting faster healing.

3. Maintain Good Posture
Spending long hours sitting in school can take a toll on your teen's posture. Poor posture not only affects their spine but can also lead to other health issues such as headaches, digestive problems, and fatigue. Chiropractic care helps ensure that their posture remains optimal, supporting their overall health and well-being.

4. Encourage Healthy Habits Early
By introducing your teen to chiropractic care, you’re teaching them the importance of taking care of their body from a young age. These healthy habits will stick with them into adulthood, helping them maintain a strong and resilient body throughout their life.

Investing in your teen’s spinal health today can lead to a lifetime of benefits and maybe even help improve their mood  Don’t wait until they’re in pain to take action. Book an appointment for your teen by either sending us a DM or using the 'book now' button below.

Popular Posture Treatment Debunked

In a world where quick fixes are often sought after, posture braces appear to be a simple solution for those struggling with poor posture. However, while these devices promise to correct your posture by providing the necessary support, they often do more harm than good in the long run.

The Hidden Downside of Posture Braces

Posture braces are designed to hold your back in a straighter position, but they also limit the natural movement of your muscles and spine. This might provide immediate relief and support, but using these braces can lead to muscle dependency and atrophy. When the muscles are not actively engaged, they weaken over time, ultimately leading to even worse posture when the brace is removed. Essentially, these braces do the work your muscles should be doing, which means they're not being strengthened as they should.

Building Strength and Flexibility Naturally

At Riverside Chiropractic, we encourage our clients to take a more sustainable approach to improving their posture. Here are some effective methods we recommend:

- **Banded Pull Aparts**: This exercise is excellent for strengthening the muscles between your shoulder blades—crucial players in maintaining good posture. By regularly performing banded pull aparts, you actively engage and strengthen these muscles, helping to counteract the slump that comes from hours of sitting. Watch video above for demonstration.

- **Supermans**: Another beneficial exercise is the Superman. Lying face down, you extend your arms and legs off the ground, mimicking the flying superhero. This movement not only strengthens the lower back but also engages your glutes and shoulder muscles, all of which are vital for good posture. Watch video above for demonstration.

At-Home Muscle Release Techniques

Muscle tension can exacerbate poor posture and lead to discomfort. A simple yet effective way to manage this is through the use of a massage ball. Rolling out the muscles of your back, shoulders, and even your glutes can help release tension, improve mobility, and reduce the risk of muscle imbalances.

The Role of Chiropractic Care

To complement these exercises, chiropractic care is invaluable in maintaining spinal health. Regular adjustments can free up restricted joints in your spine, enhancing overall mobility and alignment. These visits are not just about making adjustments; they are also an opportunity to receive personalized advice and exercises tailored to your specific needs.

Instead of opting for a temporary solution like a posture brace, consider these proactive and healthful strategies. Not only do they help improve your posture, but they also contribute to your overall well-being and prevent future problems. Remember, a healthy spine supports a healthy life.

If you’re ready to start your journey towards better posture and spinal health, visit us at Riverside Chiropractic. Share this post with a friend or colleague who might also benefit from these insights—because everyone deserves the comfort of good posture!

2 Easy Exercises to Loosen Mid Back and Improve Your Posture

Finding yourself slouching again at your computer? Then the annoying, ache between your shoulder blades starts to set in causing you to fidget around to find a comfortable position or rub your back to ease the tension...

These 2 easy exercises will help to solve that problem by loosening your mid-back, making it easier to sit up straight causing you to have less discomfort.

Improve Your Posture With 1 Simple Step

I regularly see people making this mistake when trying to correct their posture. Correcting your posture can make a big difference to upper back and neck pain levels. Check out this video if you're someone who wants to get their posture right.